石家庄市初三二模_2016石家庄市初三质检二英语试题及答案 石家庄初中质检二

来源:模拟试题 发布时间:2019-12-05 点击:


1-5 B C AAC    6-10BABAC    11-15CCBAB   16-20 ABAAB  21-25CABCC
26-30 BCBAA   31-35 BDDAC   36-40 DACAB
41—45 AADCD   46—50BCBAB
51—55 DAACB    56—60 BADDB    61—65 ADCBA
66. park    67. aunt    68. arriving       69. study for   70. mother
71. how to be happy
72. But
73. Andrew Matthews is a writer, cartoonist and speaker.
74. They thinks that happiness comes from good exam marks or praise from other people
75. 如果你从问题中学到(一些东西), 那你将来将会成功。
76. visiting    77.famous   78. roads  79. built   80.  do
81. Do you like reading books?
82. Books are our best friends.
83. I always share my favorite books with my classmates.
84. We usually have a discussion after reading.
85. How useful the books are!
86   In my opinion, it’s very important to get on well with our classmates. It can give us a better studying environment and it can also help us to improve our social skills.
  First, we must be friendly to our classmates, try to help them when they are in trouble. Second, if we have different opinions, we should discuss and try to find out ways instead of quarreling. Third, we can take part in after-school activities together which can help us understand each other better and improve the relationship.
  In a word, getting on well with others make us study and live better.
录  音  材  料
(音乐) 这是2016年石家庄市初中毕业班质量检测(二)英语试卷听力部分。听力部分共分两小节。第一节为选择题;第二节为非选择题。两部分分别在卷I和卷II上。做第一节时,先将所选答案画在试卷上,在听力测试结束后,请将答案转涂到答题卡上。
W: Excuse me, but could you tell me how to get to the cinema?
M: Which cinema?
W: The Capital Cinema.
M: Oh, it’s a long way from here. You’d better take a bus.
W: Which bus shall I take, then?
M: I think you need to take No. 7.
W: Thanks a lot.
M: You’re welcome.
1. I need more exercise because I am heavy.
2. Lily has a basketball.
3. Please call me at 87883456.
4. Mary wants to buy a sweater.
5. Lucy didn’t go to sleep until 12 o’clock last night.
6. You look nice in the new dress.
7. You can’t take photos here, sir.
8. I am going to London on vacation.
9. Let’s go and have a cup of tea.
10. May I speak to Rick?
11.M: What’s your favorite fruit, Coco?
W: Strawberries.
Q: Whats Cocos favorite fruit?
12. W: How do you get to school?
M: I usually get to school by bike, but sometimes I walk.
Q: How does the boy usually get to school?
13. W: Hi, Bob. What club are you in?
M: The Music club. But I will join the swimming club to lose weight.
Q: What club will Bob join?
 M: Look, Helen. The pandas are eating bamboo!
 W: Oh, how lovely! Do you like pandas?
 M: Yes. What’s your favorite animal?
 W: I like koalas best.
Q 14: Where are the two speakers?
Q 15: Whats Helens favorite animal?
M: My cousins and I will go to the museum tomorrow. Will you join us, Kate?
W: Sure. When and where shall we meet?
M: In front of our school gate at 8 am.
W: That’s good. I hope it won’t rain tomorrow.
M: The radio says it’s going to be sunny.
W: Good news. See you tomorrow.
Q16: Where will they go tomorrow?
Q17: Where will they meet?
Q18: How will the weather be tomorrow?
Do you like talent show? We will have a talent show in the school Music hall next Sunday afternoon. Many students will show their talents. Tom  will play the piano. Mary is going to sing to music. What about Bill? He will dance with his dog Lucky. Our teacher Mr. Li is coming too. He will do Chinese Kongfu. Do you think it’s exciting? Come and join us!
Q19. When is the talent show?
Q 20. Who will dance with Lucky?
Q 21. What will Mr. Li do at the talent show?
请听第二篇短文,回答第 22~25题。
Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please. K126 high-speed train will arrive in a few minutes. Passengers that will take this train please hold your tickets and get them checked at Gate 3. The train will stay at Shijiazhuang Station for 5 minutes. Please get on the train quickly and quietly, in order not to disturb other travelers’ sleeping.Thank you.
Q 22. Which train is arriving in a few minutes?
Q 23. Where will the passengers check their tickets?
Q 24. How long will the train stay at Shijiazhuang Station?
Q 25. Why should the passengers get on the train quietly?
Dear Jack, 
You asked me to go to the park next Sunday. I’d like to go with you, but I am sorry to say that I can’t go. I don’t have time the day after tomorrow. In the morning, I have to get up early to meet my aunt at the train station. She is coming to see my grandma. It will take me the whole morning to wait at the station because I don’t know the arriving time of that train. And I have to study for the English test in the afternoon. There is another terrible thing in my family, my mother is ill. So I have to look after her at home. However, I can go with you next time. I hope you have a good time.  


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