[2016山东高考作文]2016山东烟台高三下学期适应性练习英语试题及答案 烟台高三英语

来源:模拟试题 发布时间:2019-12-02 点击:


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例:How much is the shirt?
A.19.1 5 pounds.    B.9.15 pounds.    C.9.18 pounds.
1.When does Mr.Green always finish his class?
A.At 4:55 pm.    B.At 5:00 pm.    C.At 5:1 0 pm.
2.What are the speakers talking about?
A.How to pay for the house.
B.Whether to find a better job.
C.Whether to go on a holiday.
3.What does the woman mean?
A.She will support the man.
B.The man asked for her support too late.
C.She may run for class monitor too.
4.What is the woman doing?
A.Trying on a piece of clothing.
B.Buying a handbag.
C.Drawing a colorful picture.
5.Why is the man angry with the woman driver?
A.She had an accident.
B.She telephoned while driving.
C.She wanted to kill the man.
6.How will the man’s brother go to South America?
A.By ship.     B.By plane.     C.By train.
7.What does the man decide to buy for his brother?
A.A silk tie.     B.A clock.     C.A toothbrush.
8.What do we learn about the training?
A.It is paid by the woman.
B.It is partly done on work time.
C.it runs from Wednesday to Friday.
9.What does the woman think of her new job?
A.Satisfactory.    B.Tiring.    C.Badly paid.
10.Where is Rick working now?
A,In a travel company.   B.in a hotel.     C.In a law office.
11.How does Rick feel about his trip to Brazil?
A.Excited.     B.Nervous.     C.Disappointed.
12.When will Rick leave?
A.In three days.     B.In a week.     C.In a month.
13.What’s the basic requirement for home-stay families?
A.Good at cooking.    B.Close to the schoo1.C.Having different customs.
14.What can international students expect in home—stay families?    
A.To share a bathroom.
B.To cook by themselves.
C.To follow their habits.
15.Why does the woman suggest living in a home-stay families?
A.It’s helpful to learn the language better.
B.There will be more freedom.
C.It’s convenient to travel around.
16.What should the students do to get along with the home-stay family?
A.Clean the house for the family.
B.Get rid of their own customs.
C.Follow the house rules.
17.Who is the speaker?
A.A taxi driver.     B.A police officer.     C.A radio announcer.
18.What makes driving taxi a hard job in London?
A.Bad traffic.     B.Large population.   C.Confused street names.
19.How long will it usually take for a taxi driver to pass the test?
A.25 days     B.3 years.     C.5 months.
20.What is the speaker’s advice when we are stuck on the mad?
A.Look at a map.     B.Change directions.   C.Be considerate.
第一节  (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    If you’re planning an Italian vacation,there is a wealth of information online that you can access for free.Find out where to go and what to see with an Italy blog.
    Young in Rome
    This is a great site for the younger travelers.Its content is provided by locals.Young in Rome mostly  centers on things to do and see.Art exhibitions,events,and concerts take up most of the focus .There is also a daily “word of the day ”post,which will help you expand your Italian vocabulary.
    Fodors Travel Blog
    You can benefit from some great tips from Fodors Travel Blog.A wide variety of destinations are covered,including Italy.Check out great posts to help you figure out what to do,and what not to do in Italy.If you’re visiting other destinations in Europe.this is a very helpful resource.
    Italy Beyond the Obvious
    This is a blog for travelers who want to stay,off the beaten path.You see more of the culture of Italy by keeping clear or popular tourist destinations.There are descriptions of Walking and biking suggestions.
Select Italy Blog
    The site offers advice on European trave1.There are also posts about events and exhibitions in the country.This is a company blog for a travel business,so it also offers services.However,you don’t need to use its services to take advantage of the great advice offered.
    Dream to Italy Blog
    This blog covers news and current events in Italy.You can find several different things to do such as taking a class at an Italian cooking schoo1.The site also has information on Italian real estate(房地产),if I want to make your vacation permanent.
21.What is the purpose of this passage?
A.To encourage people to tour Italy.
B.To give travel tips for visiting Italy.
C.To introduce some attractions in Italy.
D.To recommend some Italy travel blogs.
22.What do Fodor Travel Blog and Select Italy Blog have in common?
A.Both offer travel advice on European travels,including Italy.
R,Both have a variety of posts about events and exhibitions in Italy.
C.Both have helpful resources offering great travel tips and sevices.
D.Both focus on Art exhibitions,events,and concerts Italy.
23.If you dislike crowded tourist destinations,you may get useful information from______.
A.Dream of Italy Blog     B.Young in Rome
C.Italy Beyond the Obvious D.Select Italy Blog
When Leonardo DiCaprio stepped onto the stage to accept the Academy Award for Best Actor on Feb 28,he received a rare standing ovation(起立鼓掌).After five acting nominations(提名)and 22 yeaars of disappointed hopes since his first nomination in 1993.the 41-year-old actor finally won his first Oscar for his all-out effort in The Revenant
DiCaprio’s career took off when he played the romantic lead in Titanic(1997).It could have easily been the high point in any actor’s career.Titanic defined him as the dream lover for woman all around the world and strengthened his status as one of the most bankable(卖座的)actors.However,the film also gave him the reputation of being a“pretty boy”.People focused on his face more than his acting.
A11 article analyzed the reasons why DiCaprio had never won an Oscar,saying,“Since the huge success of Titanic,he’s had to work extra hard to choose difficult.1ess showy roles to escape from just being a pretty face.”DiCaprio has a reputation for being one of the pickiest actors in Hollywood.Instead of winning hearts in romantic films,he chose to work with more challenging productions.
In The Revenant,DiCaprio went through severe conditions for seven months.An article in Life Week wrote,“Compared with DiCaprio’s miserable experience in The Revenant,Robinson Crusoe’s adventure seems as comfortable as a vacation.”That dedication was recognized by the Academy.Having finally earned the us’top acting award,the actor is now turning to different goals,like producing films.
“I think anyone appreciates those types of things—you know,to be recognized by your fellows.”said DiCaprio.“But the truth is it's not why you do these films.You do them because if you love the art form…I did that piece of work,and I gave it everything I could while I was there.”
24.It's commonly believed that DiCaprio failed to win all Oscar because of __________.
A.his poor acting     B.his picky character
C.his pretty face D.his difficult roles
25.The under lined word“dedication”in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by“_______”.
A.devotion     B.concern     C.decision D.confidence
26.What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.DiCaprio wants to be recognized by all the people.
B.The Academy recognized DiCaprio’s all-out effort.
C.DiCaprio’s success comes from his love of the art form.
D.DiCiaprio calls on people to try their best at work.
27.We can infer from this passage that_________.
A.DiCaprio chose many romantic roles after Titanic
B.DiCaprio suffered greatly while acting in The Revenant
C.DiCaprio loves his career so he will continue to be an actor
D.after his success in Titanic DiCaprio’s career met no difficulties
    Minu Pauline,an Indian restaurant owner,put an unlocked fridge outside her shop,filled with free fresh meals for the homeless 24 hours a day,every day.
    “I have often seen the homeless and the hungry,especially the aged,dig through garbage bins behind my kitchen for some leftovers to satisfy their stomach,and it really hurts me,”Minu said.So she came up with the brilliant idea,allowing hungry people to take what they need without the shame of having to beg.She named the fridge“Tree of Goodness”.Minu makes sure the fridge is always stocked with about 50 packets of fleshly—cooked food from her restaurant.
    Minu insists that the fridge is not a design to boost sales at her restaurant.On the contrary,she discourages customers from buying food at her restaurant to leave in the fridge.“This is not a campaign to make people invest more in charity;the idea is to donate what you already have.if you have extra food either at home or when you eat out,come and drop it in this refrigerator,”said Minu.She has only one request—that people should write the date on the packets they leave behind to ensure that the food is fresh.
    The project isn’t something Minu wants to claim as her own.Instead,she wants it to become a community activity,a movement that will spread across the city—at other restaurants,homes,and anywhere else where there’s a chance of food going to waste.
    In the short time that the fridge has been running,dozens of needy people line up to collect free meals every day.People have been leaving food in it too—about 200 to 300 packets find their way into the fridge every single day.That is quite a significant contribution front the locals.
28.Why did Minu put a fridge filled with food outside her restaurant?
A.To attract more customers
B.To advertise for her restaurant.
C.To feed hungry and homeless people.
D.To make people invest more in charity.
29.What gave her the idea of“Tree of Goodness”?
A.Beggars asking her for food in the street.
B.The hungry digging for food in the dustbins.
C.People wasting too much food in her restaurant.
D.There being many easily collected free meals.
30.What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Minu’s project is well received by the local people.
B.More fridges are needed across the whole city.
C.No homeless people will suffer from hunger from now on.
D.No food will go to waste in Minu Pauline’s community.
31.What does the passage convey to us?
A.Optimism and selflessness.     B.Honesty and consideration.
C.Bravery and determination. D.Kindness and generosity.
The term“helicopter parents”refers to“a style of parents who are over focused on their children”.
Helicopter parents are always making a big push to provide children with every opportunity to succeed,from baby steps at age 1,homework at age 8,college application at age 18,employment issues at age 25 to family problems at age 30,40 or even older.They constantly shadow the child,always directing his behavior,allowing him zero alone time.
Helicopter parenting can develop for a number of reasons.Worries about the economy,the job market,and the world in general can push parents toward taking more control over their child’s life in an attempt to protect them.Adults who felt unloved or ignored as children can overcompensate with their own children.When parents see other overinvolved parents,it can    cause a similar response.They feel that if they don’t involve themselves in their children’s lives,they are bad parents.
The main problem with helicopter parenting is that it can backfire.To give an example,the house where Mary lived with roommates was broken into and things were stolen.Mary called the landlord(房东)to install an alarm system,but before she could finish the negotiations(协商),her mother rushed in and demanded action.“I felt like my mother ruined my communication with our landlord.We could have gotten it done ourselves.She was well intended but only made me feel annoyed and defeated,”says Mary.
    Obviously,overparenting is motivated with the idea of doing good things but it does the    exact opposite.In the long run parents are actually damaging their child’s basic skills to deal    with matters independently.It makes the child feel lacking in confidence,less competent in    dealing with the stresses of life on their own.They’re winning the battle,but actually losing the war.
32.What’s the purpose of helicopter parents’over parenting?
A.To do something good for their children.
B.To make their children not ignored.
C.To help their children find a good job.
D.To get rid of the pressure from other parents.
33.What can we learn from the passage?
A.Children who have helicopter parents live a hard life.
B.Helicopter parenting only happens to very young children.
C.Helicopter parents can protect their children against all problems.
D.Helicopter parents do their children great harm in the long run.
34.What will possibly be discussed in the paragraph that follows?
A.The bad effects of helicopter parenting.
B.How we can avoid being helicopter parents.
C.Different opinions about helicopter parenting.
D.The reasons for the development of helicopter parents.
35.What is the author’s attitude towards“helicopter parenting”?
A.Uninterested.    B.Objective.    C.Positive.D.Disapproving.
    People who seem to have all the luck are not usually blessed by a large amount of good fortune.They simply have a healthy attitude,which enables them to make the most of situations.Here are some tips for creating your own luck.
    1.Be Grateful For What You Have
    Some people are already lucky,and they just don’t know it.36  For example,you have a happy family,some wonderful friends,a roof over your head and food on the table.By acknowledging these things regularly,you can instantly feel luckier.
    2.See the Good in the Past
    People sometimes complain about their past for holding them back.They blame their parents or their schooling for not setting them up for success.But having a difficult life develops strengths and qualities you might never have got if you hadn’t been through those tough situations. 37
3.Be Generous
    If you want people to give you opportunities,you have to consider what you can do for others. 38  Be generous with your time and attention,and you’ll be surprised how many lucky opportunities people may offer you.
    4.Be Open to New things
    Luck doesn’t just happen upon us—it comes to us when we’re open.  39  Learning new skills,visiting a new place,or trying a Dew hobby are all great ways of expanding your opportunities and your mindset.

5.Take Action
    40 Take steps towards your goals and dreams and greet every challenge with a positive mindset.You will find you create more luck in everyday life.
A.You cannot expect to receive if you never give.
B.So be grateful for the good that came from your past.
C.Many people spend time thinking about what they don’t have.
D.You’ll never create any luck if you sit there waiting for it to come.
E.Trying something new is a great way of getting more opportunities.
F.But often success comes from great determination rather than good luck.
G.Look at how lucky you already are instead of focusing on what’s lacking.
第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
It was a cold windy winter day and I was walking home from work.My head pointed down against the  41.The pavement 高考英语模拟试题库  42 quickly under my feet.Then I noticed an old lady. She was 43 on the sidewalk in her house slippers.
As I 44 her,I saw that she was well into her 80s,and she was holding some 45 in her hands.
I walked on and arrived at the traffic light.Waiting there,I saw the mailbox 46 the street.The light turned green,but I 47 to check my phone and waited for her to catch up to me.In this neighborhood,even crossing with the green light was 48.Drivers often drove 49 through red lights and stop signs.
I stayed there until she 50 me.I turned to her and touched her gently on the arm.She smiled and took my hand in hers and 51 it.Her small hand was soft and warm.Hand-in-hand,we were waiting for the 52 to change.
The light changed and we walked together 53 across the street 54 the letter’s in the mailbox and took her 55 actross the street.
As I walked the  56  of the way home I could still feel the 57 of her hand in my own.
People say the first language of all humans is 58.A caring touch helps to make a bad situation 59.And even now,every time I think of the old lady,I can still feel the 60 of touch.
41.A.crowd     B.snow     C.wind D.dust
42.A.went by     B.went on     C.went off D.went out
43.A.begging     B.walking     C.running D.riding
44.A.followed   B.observed     C.greeted D.passed
45.A.1etters     B.pictures    C.books D.flowers
46.A.across     B.over     C.through D.behind    
47.A.happened     B.pretended     C.continued D.expected
48.A.pleasant     B.crazy     C.surprised D.dangerous
49.A.calmly     B.quietly     C.wildly D.carefully
50.A.called     B.reached     C.found D.caught
51.A.pushed     B.pulled     C.hit D.held
52.A.policeman     B.1ight      C.people D.traffics
53.A.happily     B.steadily     C.rapidly D.slowly
54.A.threw     B.delivered     C.dropped D.1ocked
55.A.forward     B.back     C.away D.ahead
56.A.part     B.1ast     C.rest D.most
57.A.warmth     B.trust     C.shaking D.love
58.A.help     B.kindness     C.touch D.gesture
59.A.worse     B.valuable     C.popular D.hopeful
60.A.power     B.secret     C.force D.advantage

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
第二节(共1 0小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Andrew was going for a sales job interview.He knew he had the  61  (little) experience to get the job.In fact he wasn’t even sure how he’d got the interview.62 he did know was that he was very thankful for the opportunity given to him.
Though the interview 63 (go)well,it was impressed on him again that 64 (compare)with the other candidates he didn’t have the ability 65(get)the job.As he left the building,he gave the receptionist 66 envelope.Inside was a thank-you note for the man 67 had just interviewed him,thanking him for his time and for the opportunity.
That evening,Andrew got a call 68 .(tell)him that he’d got the job.His new employer knew  69 (clear)that it wasn’t Andrew’s qualifications that got him the job,but his thank-you note.If Andrew was able to be thankful at this stage,he would be able to build positive relationships with his 70 (customer),which was exactly what the company was looking for.Being grateful won Andrew the job.
第四部分 写作(共两节;满分35分)
第一节 短文改错(共l 0小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。    文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

Last Sunday,I went to the market with my mother to buy some freshly vegetables.My mother spent a long time bargaining before she paid for vegetables she had chosen.She wanted to get it at the lowest price because of she thought she could save some money in this way.After come back,she cooked such many dishes that we couldn’t eat them a11.So we had to throw some foods away.As a result,the money we wasted was much than that saved from bargaining.I couldn’t help feel concerned.I think the best way to save money was to stop wasting.
第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    假设你是李华。你的笔友Jack今年暑期要来中国旅游,他听到了一些对中国的负面  宣传,对中国之行感到担心。请你给他发一封邮件,帮助他了解真实的中国社会。
Dear Jack,
Glad to hear that you are coming to China in the coming summer vacation.
    Best wishes!
Li Hua


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