
来源:高中生物会考 发布时间:2019-08-21 点击:


学参网研究生独家整理分享东北林业大学生物化学与分子生物学导师张欣欣研究方向、联系方式,供广大师弟师妹们参考! 张欣欣 教授  博士生导师                                           研究方向:植物抗逆分子生物学 1979年4月生,东北林业大学学士(1997-2001年)、硕士(2001-2004年),日本东京大学博士(2005-2008年),美国加州大学伯克利分校植物与微生物系(2016-20017年)访问学者。2010年入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。近年来主要从事模式植物(拟南芥、水稻)和盐生植物(碱茅)抗逆基因与逆境胁迫应答的分子机理研究。主持国家自然科学基金项目3项;作为核心骨干成员参加了“国家高技术研究发展计划”(863计划)、国家林业局948引进项目和国家林业局林业公益性项目;教育部“盐碱后备耕地修复技术与分子育种基础”创新团队的核心成员。2011年获得黑龙江省科学技术二等奖(第二完成人)。近年来在《Plant Biotechnology Journal》、《FEBS Letters》、《Journal of Experimental Botany》、《Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications》、《Plant Molecular Biology》等国际学术杂志上发表SCI论文16篇。 代表性学术论文 (2006-2016,* 通讯作者, a 共同第一作者) 1.Hongzhong Chen, Liwen Wang, Tetsuo Takano, Shenkui Liu, Xinxin Zhang* (2016) N-terminus of PutCAX2 from Puccinellia tenuiflora  affects Ca2+ and Ba2+ tolerance in yeast. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum  38: 94 2.Aimin Zhou, Yuanyuan Bu, Tetsuo Takano, Xinxin Zhang, Shenkui Liu (2016) Conserved V-ATPase c subunit plays a role in plant growth by influencing V-ATPase-dependent endosomal trafficking. Plant Biotechnology Journal 14 (1): 271-283 3.Min Zhang, Tetsuo Takano, Shenkui Liu, Xinxin Zhang* (2015) Arabidopsis  mitochondrial voltage-dependent anion channel 3 (AtVDAC3) protein interacts with thioredoxin m2. FEBS Letters  589: 1207–1213 (封面文章) 4.Min Zhang, Tetsuo Takano, Shenkui Liu, Xinxin Zhang* (2014) Abiotic stress response in yeast and metal-binding ability of a type 2 metallothionein-like protein (PutMT2) from Puccinellia tenuiflora . Molecular Biology Reports 41 (9): 5839-5849 5.Yuanyuan Bu, Mengqing Zhao, Bo Sun, Xinxin Zhang, Tetsuo Takano, Shenkui Liu (2014) An efficient method for stable protein targeting in grasses (Poaceae): a case study in Puccinellia tenuiflora .  BMC Biotechnology 14: 52 6.Yuanyuan Bu, Bo Sun, Aimin Zhou, Xinxin Zhang, Imshik Lee, Shenkui Liu (2013) Identification and characterization of a PutAMT1;1  gene from Puccinellia tenuiflora . PLoS One  8 (12): e83111 7.Kunyuan Guo, Yuanyuan Bu, Tetsuo Takano, Shenkui Liu, Xinxin Zhang* (2013) Arabidopsis cysteine proteinase inhibitor AtCYSb interacts with a Ca(2+)-dependent nuclease, AtCaN2. FEBS Letters  587(21): 3417-3421 8.Kunyuan Guo, Shenkui Liu, Tetsuo Takano, Xinxin Zhang* (2012) Molecular cloning, expression, and characterization of a Ca2+-dependent nuclease of Arabidopsis thaliana . Protein Expression and Purification  83: 70-74 9.Xinxin Zhang, Min Zhang, Tetsuo Takano, Shenkui Liu (2011) Characterization of an AtCCX5  gene from Arabidopsis thaliana that involves in high-affinity K+ uptake and Na+ transport in yeast. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications  414: 96-100 10Hua Liu, Xinxin Zhanga, Tetsuo Takano, Shenkui Liu (2009) Characterization of a PutCAX1  gene from Puccinellia tenuiflora  that confers Ca2+ and Ba2+ tolerance in yeast.  Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications  383(4): 392-396 11.Xinxin Zhang, Shenkui Liu, Tetsuo Takano (2008) Two cysteine proteinase inhibitors from Arabidopsis thaliana , AtCYSa  and AtCYSb , increasing the salt, drought, oxidation and cold tolerance. Plant Molecular Biology  68: 131-143 12.Shenkui Liu, Yuxiang Cheng, Xinxin Zhang, Qingjie Guan, Shunsaku Nishiuchi, Kenichi Hase, Tetsuo Takano (2007) Expression of an NADP-malic enzyme gene in rice ( Oryza sativa . L) is induced by environmental stresses; over-expression of the gene in Arabidopsis confers salt and osmotic stress tolerance. Plant Molecular Biology  64: 49-58 13.Xinxin Zhang, Tetsuo Takano, Shenkui Liu (2006) Identification of a mitochondrial ATP synthase small subunit gene ( RMtATP6 ) expressed in response to salts and osmotic stresses in rice ( Oryza sativa  L.).  Journal of Experimental Botany  57: 193-200  导师联系方式可以咨询学参网研究生。



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